A formidable pest native to tropical regions, poses a significant threat to palm trees by burrowing into their crowns, ultimately leading to wilting, decay, and potential death of these iconic landscape elements.
Aphids are common pests that can affect various tree species. They feed on sap and can cause leaf distortion, yellowing, and the development of sooty mold.
Psyllids are small, sap-sucking insects that can pose a significant threat to various plants, including citrus trees, by transmitting harmful pathogens and causing damage to the foliage.
Whiteflies are tiny, winged insects that infest a wide range of plants, feeding on sap and causing damage by transmitting plant viruses, leading to yellowing leaves and overall decline in plant health.
Mealybugs are soft-bodied, small insects covered in a white, waxy substance, known for infesting a variety of plants and trees, where they feed on sap and can lead to stunted growth and the development of sooty mold.
Adelgids are small, sap-feeding insects that primarily target coniferous trees, often causing damage by sucking nutrients from the tree's vascular system and secreting a sugary substance known as honeydew.